Conditional Interventions#

Interventions can also be made conditional.

Inside the tracing context, we can specify a conditional context:

with tracer.cond(Boolean):

This context will only execute its contained interventions if the specified condition is met. Let’s try an example!

import torch
from nnsight import LanguageModel

model = LanguageModel('openai-community/gpt2', device_map='auto')

with model.trace("The Eiffel Tower is in the city of") as tracer:

  rand_int = torch.randint(low=-10, high=10, size=(1,))

  with tracer.cond(rand_int % 2 == 0):
    tracer.log("Random Integer ", rand_int, " is Even")

  with tracer.cond(rand_int % 2 == 1):
    tracer.log("Random Integer ", rand_int, " is Odd")
Random Integer  tensor([4])  is Even

In the example above, we have two conditional contexts with mutually exclusive conditions, just like a usual If-Else statement.

Conditional contexts can also be nested, if we want our interventions to depend on more than one condition at a time.

with model.trace("The Eiffel Tower is in the city of") as tracer:

  non_rand_int = 8

  with tracer.cond(non_rand_int > 0):
    with tracer.cond(non_rand_int % 2 == 0):
      tracer.log("Rand Int ", non_rand_int, " is Positive and Even")
Rand Int  8  is Positive and Even

nnsight 0.4 introduces support for native Python if statements within the tracing context! Simply create an if statement within a trace, and it should perform as tracer.cond().

with model.trace("The Eiffel Tower is in the city of") as tracer:

  rand_int = torch.randint(low=-10, high=10, size=(1,))

  # Since this if statement is inside the tracing context the if will
  # create a conditional context and will only execute the intervention
  # if this condition is met
  if rand_int % 2 == 0:
    tracer.log("Random Integer ", rand_int, " is Even")

  if rand_int % 2 == 1:
    tracer.log("Random Integer ", rand_int, " is Odd")
Random Integer  tensor([0])  is Even


If you would like to turn off NNsight’s support of native if statements, you can apply the following changes to nnsight.CONFIG

This will not affect any of NNsight’s tracer.cond() functionality.

[ ]:
# Turn off support if/for statements within tracing context.
import nnsight