Source code for nnsight.util

"""Module for utility functions and classes used throughout the package."""

import importlib
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar

import torch
from typing_extensions import Self

# TODO Have an Exception you can raise to stop apply early

T = TypeVar("T")
C = TypeVar("C", bound=Collection[T])

[docs] def apply( data: C, fn: Callable[[T], Any], cls: Type[T], inplace: bool = False ) -> C: """Applies some function to all members of a collection of a give type (or types) Args: data (Any): Collection of data to apply function to. fn (Callable): Function to apply. cls (type): Type or Types to apply function to. inplace (bool): If to apply the fn inplace. (For lists and dicts) Returns: Any: Same kind of collection as data, after then fn has been applied to members of given type. """ if isinstance(data, cls): return fn(data) data_type = type(data) if data_type == list: if inplace: for idx, _data in enumerate(data): data[idx] = apply(_data, fn, cls, inplace=inplace) return data return [apply(_data, fn, cls, inplace=inplace) for _data in data] elif data_type == tuple: return tuple([apply(_data, fn, cls, inplace=inplace) for _data in data]) elif data_type == dict: if inplace: for key, value in data.items(): data[key] = apply(value, fn, cls, inplace=inplace) return data return { key: apply(value, fn, cls, inplace=inplace) for key, value in data.items() } elif data_type == slice: return slice( apply(data.start, fn, cls, inplace=inplace), apply(data.stop, fn, cls, inplace=inplace), apply(data.step, fn, cls, inplace=inplace), ) return data
[docs] def fetch_attr(object: object, target: str) -> Any: """Retrieves an attribute from an object hierarchy given an attribute path. Levels are separated by '.' e.x (transformer.h.1) Args: object (object): Root object to get attribute from. target (str): Attribute path as '.' separated string. Returns: Any: Fetched attribute. """ if target == "": return object target_atoms = target.split(".") for atom in target_atoms: if not atom: continue object = getattr(object, atom) return object
def to_import_path(type: type) -> str: return f"{type.__module__}.{type.__name__}" def from_import_path(import_path: str) -> type: *import_path, classname = import_path.split(".") import_path = ".".join(import_path) return getattr(importlib.import_module(import_path), classname)
[docs] class Patch: """Class representing a replacement of an attribute on a module. Attributes: obj (Any): Object to replace. replacement (Any): Object that replaces. parent (Any): Module or class to replace attribute. """ def __init__(self, parent: Any, replacement: Any, key: str) -> None: self.parent = parent self.replacement = replacement self.key = key self.orig = getattr(self.parent, key)
[docs] def patch(self) -> None: """Carries out the replacement of an object in a module/class.""" setattr(self.parent, self.key, self.replacement)
[docs] def restore(self) -> None: """Carries out the restoration of the original object on the objects module/class.""" setattr(self.parent, self.key, self.orig)
[docs] class Patcher(AbstractContextManager): """Context manager that patches from a list of Patches on __enter__ and restores the patch on __exit__. Attributes: patches (List[Patch]): """ def __init__(self, patches: Optional[List[Patch]] = None) -> None: self.patches = patches or [] self.entered = False
[docs] def add(self, patch: Patch) -> None: """Adds a Patch to the patches. Also calls `.patch()` on the Patch. Args: patch (Patch): Patch to add. """ self.patches.append(patch) if self.entered: patch.patch()
def __enter__(self) -> Self: """Enters the patching context. Calls `.patch()` on all patches. Returns: Patcher: Patcher """ self.entered = True for patch in self.patches: patch.patch() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: """Calls `.restore()` on all patches.""" self.entered = False for patch in self.patches: patch.restore()
[docs] class WrapperModule(torch.nn.Module): """Simple torch module which passes it's input through. Useful for hooking. If there is only one argument, returns the first element. """
[docs] def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 1: args = args[0] return args
[docs] class NNsightError(Exception): """NNsight Execption class for raising error during execution. Attributes: - message (str): error message. - node_id (int): node id. - traceback_content (Optional[str]): traceback of the original exception being raised. """ def __init__(self, message: str, node_id: int, traceback_content: Optional[str] = None): self.message = message self.node_id = node_id self.traceback_content = traceback_content super().__init__(self.message) def _render_traceback_(self) -> List[str]: """ This function allows custom rendering of traceback in IPython Returns: - List of string lines. """ traceback_list = self.traceback_content.split("\n") traceback_list.append(f"{str(self.__class__.__name__)}: {self.message}") return traceback_list