Source code for nnsight.tracing.contexts.globals

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from functools import wraps
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from typing import Any, Type, Union

from ... import util
from ..graph import Graph
from . import Tracer

def global_patch_class(cls: type) -> util.Patch:

    if cls.__new__ is object.__new__:

        def super_new(cls, *args, **kwargs):

            return object.__new__(cls)

        cls.__new__ = super_new

    fn = cls.__new__

    def inner(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT:
            return cls(*args, **kwargs)

        return GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.apply(cls, *args, **kwargs)

    return util.Patch(cls, inner, "__new__")

def global_patch_fn(fn: FunctionType) -> util.Patch:

    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        if not GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT:
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        return GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.apply(fn, *args, **kwargs)

    return util.Patch(inspect.getmodule(fn), inner, fn.__name__)

def global_patch_method(cls: type, fn: MethodType) -> None:

    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        if not GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT:
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        return GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.apply(fn, *args, **kwargs)
    patch = util.Patch(cls, inner, fn.__name__)

def global_patch(obj: Union[FunctionType, Type]):

    if isinstance(obj, type):

        patch = global_patch_class(obj)


        patch = global_patch_fn(obj)

[docs] class GlobalTracingContext(Tracer): """The Global Tracing Context handles adding tracing operations globally without reference to a given `GraphBasedContext`. There should only be one of these and that is `GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT`. `GlobalTracingContext.TORCH_HANDLER` handles adding torch functions without reference to a given `GraphBasedContext`. """ GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT: GlobalTracingContext PATCHER: util.Patcher = util.Patcher()
[docs] class GlobalTracingExit(AbstractContextManager): def __enter__(self) -> Any: GlobalTracingContext.PATCHER.__exit__(None, None, None) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, traceback): GlobalTracingContext.PATCHER.__enter__() if isinstance(exc_val, BaseException): raise exc_val
def __init__(self) -> None: """We create an empty `GraphBasedContext` by default.""" self.graph: Graph = None @staticmethod def exit_global_tracing_context(): return GlobalTracingContext.GlobalTracingExit()
[docs] @staticmethod def try_register(graph_based_context: Tracer) -> bool: """Attempts to register a `Graph` globally.] Will not if one is already registered. Args: graph_based_context (GraphBasedContext): `GraphBasedContext` to register. Returns: bool: True if registering ws successful, False otherwise. """ if GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT: return False GlobalTracingContext.register(graph_based_context) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def try_deregister(graph_based_context: Tracer) -> bool: """Attempts to deregister a `Graph` globally. Will not if `graph_based_context` does not have the same `Graph` as the currently registered one. Args: graph_based_context (GraphBasedContext): `GraphBasedContext` to deregister. Returns: bool: True if deregistering ws successful, False otherwise. """ if ( not GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT or graph_based_context.graph is not GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.graph ): return False GlobalTracingContext.deregister() return True
[docs] @staticmethod def register(graph_based_context: Tracer) -> None: """Register `GraphBasedContext` globally. Args: graph_based_context (GraphBasedContext): GraphBasedContext to register. """ assert GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.graph is None GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.graph = graph_based_context.graph GlobalTracingContext.PATCHER.__enter__()
[docs] @staticmethod def deregister() -> None: """Deregister `GraphBasedContext` globally. Args: graph_based_context (GraphBasedContext): GraphBasedContext to deregister. """ assert GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.graph is not None GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.graph = None GlobalTracingContext.PATCHER.__exit__(None, None, None)
def __bool__(self) -> bool: """True if there is a `GraphBasedContext` registered globally. False otherwise.""" return GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT.graph is not None
GlobalTracingContext.GLOBAL_TRACING_CONTEXT = GlobalTracingContext()