Source code for nnsight.intervention.envoy

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import weakref
import warnings
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from typing import (

import torch
from typing_extensions import Self

from . import protocols
from .backends import EditingBackend
from .contexts import InterleavingTracer
from .graph import InterventionNodeType, InterventionProxyType

[docs] class Envoy(Generic[InterventionProxyType, InterventionNodeType]): """Envoy objects act as proxies for torch modules themselves within a model's module tree in order to add nnsight functionality. Proxies of the underlying module's output and input are accessed by `.output` and `.input` respectively. Attributes: path (str): String representing the attribute path of this Envoy's module relative the the root model. Separated by '.' e.x ('.transformer.h.0.mlp'). output (nnsight.intervention.InterventionProxy): Proxy object representing the output of this Envoy's module. Reset on forward pass. inputs (nnsight.intervention.InterventionProxy): Proxy object representing the inputs of this Envoy's module. Proxy is in the form of (Tuple[Tuple[<Positional arg>], Dict[str, <Keyword arg>]])Reset on forward pass. input (nnsight.intervention.InterventionProxy): Alias for the first positional Proxy input i.e Envoy.inputs[0][0] iter (nnsight.envoy.EnvoyIterator): Iterator object allowing selection of specific .input and .output iterations of this Envoy. _module (torch.nn.Module): Underlying torch module. _children (List[Envoy]): Immediate Envoy children of this Envoy. _fake_outputs (List[torch.Tensor]): List of 'meta' tensors built from the outputs most recent _scan. Is list as there can be multiple shapes for a module called more than once. _fake_inputs (List[torch.Tensor]): List of 'meta' tensors built from the inputs most recent _scan. Is list as there can be multiple shapes for a module called more than once. _rename (Optional[Dict[str,str]]): Optional mapping of (old name -> new name). For example to rename all gpt 'attn' modules to 'attention' you would: rename={r"attn": "attention"} Not this does not actually change the underlying module names, just how you access its envoy. Renaming will replace Envoy.path but Envoy._path represents the pre-renamed true attribute path. _tracer (nnsight.context.Tracer.Tracer): Object which adds this Envoy's module's output and input proxies to an intervention graph. Must be set on Envoys objects manually by the Tracer. """ def __init__( self, module: torch.nn.Module, module_path: str = "", alias_path: Optional[str] = None, rename: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): self.path = alias_path or module_path self._path = module_path self._module: torch.nn.Module = weakref.proxy(module) self._rename = rename self._iteration_stack = [0] self._fake_outputs: List[torch.Tensor] = [] self._fake_inputs: List[torch.Tensor] = [] self._output_stack: List[Optional[InterventionProxyType]] = [None] self._input_stack: List[Optional[InterventionProxyType]] = [None] self._tracer: InterleavingTracer = None self._children: List[Envoy] = [] # Register hook on underlying module to update the _fake_outputs and _fake_inputs on forward pass. self._hook_handle = self._module.register_forward_hook( self._hook, with_kwargs=True ) # Recurse into PyTorch module tree. for name, module in list(self._module.named_children()): setattr(self, name, module) # Public API ################ def __call__( self, *args: List[Any], hook=False, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> InterventionProxyType: """Creates a proxy to call the underlying module's forward method with some inputs. Returns: InterventionProxy: Module call proxy. """ if not self._tracing() or self._scanning(): return self._module(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(self._tracer.backend, EditingBackend): hook = True return protocols.ApplyModuleProtocol.add( self._tracer.graph, self._path, *args, hook=hook, **kwargs ) @property def output(self) -> InterventionProxyType: """ Calling denotes the user wishes to get the output of the underlying module and therefore we create a Proxy of that request. Only generates a proxy the first time it is references otherwise return the already set one. Returns: InterventionProxy: Output proxy. """ output = self._output_stack.pop() if output is None: if isinstance(self._module, torch.nn.ModuleList): output = self._tracer.apply(list) output.extend([envoy.output for envoy in self._children]) else: iteration = self._iteration_stack[-1] if len(self._fake_outputs) == 0: fake_output = inspect._empty elif iteration >= len(self._fake_outputs): # TODO warning? fake_output = self._fake_outputs[-1] else: fake_output = self._fake_outputs[iteration] module_path = f"{self._path}.output" output = protocols.InterventionProtocol.add( self._tracer.graph, module_path, self._tracer._invoker_group, iteration, fake_value=fake_output, ) self._output_stack.append(output) return output @output.setter def output(self, value: Union[InterventionProxyType, Any]) -> None: """ Calling denotes the user wishes to set the output of the underlying module and therefore we create a Proxy of that request. Args: value (Union[InterventionProxy, Any]): Value to set output to. """ protocols.SwapProtocol.add(self.output.node.graph, self.output.node, value) self._output_stack[-1] = None @property def inputs(self) -> InterventionProxyType: """ Calling denotes the user wishes to get the input of the underlying module and therefore we create a Proxy of that request. Only generates a proxy the first time it is references otherwise return the already set one. Returns: InterventionProxy: Input proxy. """ input = self._input_stack.pop() if input is None: if isinstance(self._module, torch.nn.ModuleList): input = self._tracer.apply(list) input.extend([envoy.inputs for envoy in self._children]) else: iteration = self._iteration_stack[-1] if len(self._fake_inputs) == 0: fake_input = inspect._empty elif iteration >= len(self._fake_inputs): # TODO warning? fake_input = self._fake_inputs[-1] else: fake_input = self._fake_inputs[iteration] module_path = f"{self._path}.input" input = protocols.InterventionProtocol.add( self._tracer.graph, module_path, self._tracer._invoker_group, iteration, fake_value=fake_input, ) self._input_stack.append(input) return input @inputs.setter def inputs(self, value: Union[InterventionProxyType, Any]) -> None: """ Calling denotes the user wishes to set the input of the underlying module and therefore we create a Proxy of that request. Args: value (Union[InterventionProxy, Any]): Value to set input to. """ protocols.SwapProtocol.add(self.inputs.node.graph, self.inputs.node, value) self._input_stack[-1] = None @property def input(self) -> InterventionProxyType: """Getting the first positional argument input of the model's module. Returns: InterventionProxy: Input proxy. """ if isinstance(self._module, torch.nn.ModuleList): input = self._tracer.apply(list) input.extend([envoy.input for envoy in self._children]) return input return self.inputs[0][0] @input.setter def input(self, value: Union[InterventionProxyType, Any]) -> None: """Setting the value of the input's first positional argument in the model's module. Args; value (Union[InterventionProxy, Any]): Value to set the input to. """ self.inputs = ((value,) + self.inputs[0][1:],) + (self.inputs[1:]) @property def iter(self) -> IterationEnvoy: return IterationEnvoy(self) @iter.setter def iter(self, iteration: Union[int, List[int], slice]) -> None: self._iteration_stack.append(iteration)
[docs] def next(self, increment: int = 1) -> Envoy: """By default, this modules inputs and outputs only refer to the first time its called. Use `.next()`to select which iteration .input an .output refer to. Args: increment (int, optional): How many iterations to jump. Defaults to 1. Returns: Envoy: Self. """ return self.iter[self._iteration_stack[-1] + increment].__enter__()
[docs] def all(self, propagate: bool = True) -> Envoy: """By default, this modules inputs and outputs only refer to the first time its called. Use `.all()`to have .input and .output refer to all iterations. Returns: Envoy: Self. """ return self.iter[:].__enter__()
[docs] def to(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Envoy: """Override so this returns the Envoy, not the underlying module when doing: model = Returns: Envoy: Envoy. """ self._module =*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def modules( self, include_fn: Callable[[Envoy], bool] = None, names: bool = False, envoys: List = None, ) -> List[Envoy]: """Returns all Envoys in the Envoy tree. Args: include_fn (Callable, optional): Optional function to be ran against all Envoys to check if they should be included in the final collection of Envoys. Defaults to None. names (bool, optional): If to include the name/module_path of returned Envoys along with the Envoy itself. Defaults to False. Returns: List[Envoy]: Included Envoys """ if envoys is None: envoys = list() included = True if include_fn is not None: included = include_fn(self) if included: if names: envoys.append((self.path, self)) else: envoys.append(self) for sub_envoy in self._children: sub_envoy.modules(include_fn=include_fn, names=names, envoys=envoys) return envoys
[docs] def named_modules(self, *args, **kwargs) -> List[Tuple[str, Envoy]]: """Returns all Envoys in the Envoy tree along with their name/module_path. Args: include_fn (Callable, optional): Optional function to be ran against all Envoys to check if they should be included in the final collection of Envoys. Defaults to None. Returns: List[Tuple[str, Envoy]]: Included Envoys and their names/module_paths. """ return self.modules(*args, **kwargs, names=True)
# Private API ############################### def _update(self, module: torch.nn.Module) -> None: """Updates the ._model attribute using a new model of the same architecture. Used when loading the real weights (dispatching) and need to replace the underlying modules. """ self._hook_handle.remove() self._hook_handle = module.register_forward_hook(self._hook, with_kwargs=True) i = 0 for i, child in enumerate(module.children()): self._children[i]._update(child) # Handle extra modules added after initialization: issues/376 for name, child in list(self._module.named_children())[i + 1 :]: setattr(module, name, child) self._module = weakref.proxy(module) def _add_envoy(self, module: torch.nn.Module, name: str) -> None: """Adds a new Envoy for a given torch module under this Envoy. Args: module (torch.nn.Module): Module to create Envoy for. name (str): name of envoy/attribute. """ alias_path = None module_path = f"{self._path}.{name}" if self._rename is not None and name in self._rename: name = self._rename[name] alias_path = f"{self.path}.{name}" envoy = Envoy( module, module_path=module_path, alias_path=alias_path, rename=self._rename ) self._children.append(envoy) setattr(self._module, name, module) # If the module already has a sub-module named 'input' or 'output', # mount the proxy access to 'nns_input' or 'nns_output instead. if hasattr(Envoy, name): self._handle_overloaded_mount(envoy, name) else: super().__setattr__(name, envoy) def _handle_overloaded_mount(self, envoy: Envoy, mount_point: str) -> None: """If a given module already has an attribute of the same name as something nnsight wants to add, we need to rename it. Directly edits the underlying class to accomplish this. Args: envoy (Envoy): Envoy to handle. mount_point (str): Overloaded attribute name. """ warnings.warn( f"Module of type `{type(self._module)}` has pre-defined a `{mount_point}` attribute. nnsight access for `{mount_point}` will be mounted at `.nns_{mount_point}` instead of `.{mount_point}` for this module only." ) # If we already shifted a mount point dont create another new class. if "Preserved" in self.__class__.__name__: new_cls = self.__class__ else: new_cls = type( f"{Envoy.__name__}.Preserved", (Envoy,), {}, ) # Get the normal proxy mount point mount = getattr(new_cls, mount_point) # Move it to nns_<mount point> setattr(new_cls, f"nns_{mount_point}", mount) # Set the sub-module/envoy to the normal mount point on the CLASS itself not the instance. setattr(new_cls, mount_point, envoy) # Update the class on the instance self.__class__ = new_cls def _set_tracer(self, tracer: InterleavingTracer, propagate=True): """Set tracer object on Envoy. Args: tracer (Tracer): Tracer to set. propagate (bool, optional): If to propagate to all sub-modules. Defaults to True. """ self._tracer = tracer if propagate: for envoy in self._children: envoy._set_tracer(tracer, propagate=True) def _tracing(self) -> bool: """Whether or not tracing. Returns: bool: Is tracing. """ try: return self._tracer.graph.alive except: return False def _scanning(self) -> bool: """Whether or not in scanning mode. Checks the current Tracer's Invoker. Returns: bool: Is scanning. """ try: return self._tracer.invoker.scanning except: return False def _set_iteration( self, iteration: Optional[int] = None, propagate: bool = True ) -> None: if iteration is not None: self._iteration_stack.append(iteration) self._output_stack.append(None) self._input_stack.append(None) else: self._iteration_stack.pop() self._output_stack.pop() self._input_stack.pop() if propagate: for envoy in self._children: envoy._set_iteration(iteration, propagate=True) def _reset_proxies(self, propagate: bool = True) -> None: """Sets proxies to None. Args: propagate (bool, optional): If to propagate to all sub-modules. Defaults to True. """ self._output_stack = [None] self._input_stack = [None] if propagate: for envoy in self._children: envoy._reset_proxies(propagate=True) def _reset(self, propagate: bool = True) -> None: """Sets _call_iter to zero. Calls ._reset_proxies as well. Args: propagate (bool, optional): If to propagate to all sub-modules. Defaults to True. """ self._reset_proxies(propagate=False) self._iteration_stack = [0] if propagate: for envoy in self._children: envoy._reset(propagate=True) def _clear(self, propagate: bool = True) -> None: """Clears _fake_outputs and _fake_inputs. Calls ._reset as well. Args: propagate (bool, optional): If to propagate to all sub-modules. Defaults to True. """ self._reset(propagate=False) self._fake_outputs = [] self._fake_inputs = [] if propagate: for envoy in self._children: envoy._clear(propagate=True) def _hook( self, module: torch.nn.Module, input: Any, input_kwargs: Dict, output: Any, ): if self._scanning(): input = (input, input_kwargs) self._fake_outputs.append(output) self._fake_inputs.append(input) def _repr_module_list(self): list_of_reprs = [repr(item) for item in self._children] if len(list_of_reprs) == 0: return self._module._get_name() + "()" start_end_indices = [[0, 0]] repeated_blocks = [list_of_reprs[0]] for i, r in enumerate(list_of_reprs[1:], 1): if r == repeated_blocks[-1]: start_end_indices[-1][1] += 1 continue start_end_indices.append([i, i]) repeated_blocks.append(r) lines = [] main_str = self._module._get_name() + "(" for (start_id, end_id), b in zip(start_end_indices, repeated_blocks): local_repr = f"({start_id}): {b}" # default repr if start_id != end_id: n = end_id - start_id + 1 local_repr = f"({start_id}-{end_id}): {n} x {b}" local_repr = torch.nn.modules.module._addindent(local_repr, 2) lines.append(local_repr) main_str += "\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n" main_str += ")" return main_str def __repr__(self) -> str: """Wrapper method for underlying module's string representation. Returns: str: String. """ if isinstance(self._module, torch.nn.ModuleList): return self._repr_module_list() extra_lines = [] extra_repr = self._module.extra_repr() # empty string will be split into list [''] if extra_repr: extra_lines = extra_repr.split("\n") child_lines = [] for attribute_name, attribute in self.__dict__.items(): if attribute_name == "_tracer": continue if isinstance(attribute, Envoy): mod_str = repr(attribute) mod_str = torch.nn.modules.module._addindent(mod_str, 2) child_lines.append("(" + attribute_name + "): " + mod_str) lines = extra_lines + child_lines main_str = self._module._get_name() + "(" if lines: # simple one-liner info, which most builtin Modules will use if len(extra_lines) == 1 and not child_lines: main_str += extra_lines[0] else: main_str += "\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n" main_str += ")" return main_str def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Envoy[InterventionProxyType, InterventionNodeType]]: """Wrapper method for underlying ModuleList iterator. Returns: Iterator[Envoy]: Iterator. """ return iter(self._children) def __getitem__( self, key: int ) -> Envoy[InterventionProxyType, InterventionNodeType]: """Wrapper method for underlying ModuleList getitem. Args: key (int): Key. Returns: Envoy: Envoy. """ return self._children[key] def __len__(self) -> int: """Wrapper method for underlying ModuleList len. Returns: int: Length. """ return len(self._module) def __getattr__( self, key: str ) -> Union[ Envoy[InterventionProxyType, InterventionNodeType], InterventionProxyType, Any ]: """Wrapper method for underlying module's attributes. If the attribute is a tensor (e.g. weights or bias) and accessed during tracing, then an InterventionProxy is created. Args: key (str): Key. Returns: Union[InterventionProxyType, Any]: Attribute. """ attr = getattr(self._module, key) if self._tracing() and isinstance(attr, torch.Tensor): attr_proxy = protocols.ParameterProtocol.add( self._tracer.graph, self._path, key ) return attr_proxy return attr def __setattr__(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: """Overload setattr to create and set an Envoy when trying to set a torch Module.""" if key != "_module" and isinstance(value, torch.nn.Module): self._add_envoy(value, key) else: super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] class IterationEnvoy(Envoy, AbstractContextManager): def __init__(self, envoy: Envoy) -> None: self.__dict__.update(envoy.__dict__) self._iteration = self._iteration_stack[-1] self._open_context = False @property def output(self) -> InterventionProxyType: self._output_stack.append(None) self._iteration_stack.append(self._iteration) output = super().output self._output_stack.pop() self._iteration_stack.pop() return output @property def input(self) -> InterventionProxyType: self._input_stack.append(None) self._iteration_stack.append(self._iteration) input = super().input self._input_stack.pop() self._iteration_stack.pop() return input def __getitem__(self, key: Union[int, List[int], slice]) -> Self: # TODO: Error if not valid key type if isinstance(key, tuple): key = list(key) self._iteration = key return self def __enter__(self) -> IterationEnvoy: if not self._open_context: self._set_iteration(self._iteration) self._open_context = True return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self._set_iteration() self._open_context = False if isinstance(exc_val, BaseException): raise exc_val