Source code for nnsight.contexts.Tracer

from __future__ import annotations

import weakref
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union, Tuple

from typing_extensions import Self

from ..tracing import protocols
from ..tracing.Bridge import Bridge
from ..tracing.Graph import Graph
from . import resolve_dependencies
from .backends import Backend, EditBackend, BridgeMixin, EditMixin, RemoteMixin
from .GraphBasedContext import GraphBasedContext
from .Invoker import Invoker

    from ..models.mixins import RemoteableMixin
    from ..models.NNsightModel import NNsight

[docs] class Tracer(GraphBasedContext, RemoteMixin, BridgeMixin, EditMixin): """The Tracer class creates a :class:`nnsight.tracing.Graph.Graph` around the ._model of a :class:`nnsight.models.NNsightModel.NNsight` which tracks and manages the operations performed on the inputs and outputs of said model. Attributes: _model (nnsight.models.NNsightModel.NNsight): nnsight Model object that ths context manager traces and executes. _graph (nnsight.tracing.Graph.Graph): Graph which traces operations performed on the input and output of modules' Envoys are added and later executed. _args (List[Any]): Positional arguments to be passed to function that executes the model. _kwargs (Dict[str,Any]): Keyword arguments to be passed to function that executes the model. _invoker_inputs (List[Any]): Inputs for each invocation of this Tracer. _invoker (Invoker): Currently open Invoker. """ def __init__( self, backend: Backend, model: "NNsight", validate: bool = False, graph: Graph = None, bridge: Bridge = None, return_context: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.model = model self.return_context = return_context GraphBasedContext.__init__( self, backend, graph=graph, bridge=bridge, proxy_class=model.proxy_class, validate=validate, sequential=False, ) protocols.ApplyModuleProtocol.set_module(self.graph, self.model) self._kwargs = kwargs self.invoker: Optional[Invoker] = None self._invoker_inputs: List[Any] = [] # Module Envoys need to know about the current Tracer to create the correct proxies. self.model._envoy._set_tracer(weakref.proxy(self)) def __getattr__(self, key: Any) -> Any: """Wrapper of .model._envoy's attributes to access module Envoy inputs and outputs. Returns: Any: Attribute. """ return getattr(self.model._envoy, key) def __enter__(self) -> Union[Self, "NNsight", Tuple["NNsight", Self]]: tracer = super().__enter__() if self.invoker is not None: self.invoker.__enter__() if isinstance(self.backend, EditBackend): if self.return_context: return self.model, self return self.model return tracer def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: if self.invoker is not None: self.invoker.__exit__(None, None, None) self.model._envoy._reset() super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
[docs] def invoke(self, *inputs: Any, **kwargs) -> Invoker: """Create an Invoker context dor a given input. Raises: Exception: If an Invoker context is already open Returns: Invoker: Invoker. """ if self.invoker is not None: raise Exception("Can't create an invoker context with one already open!") return Invoker(self, *inputs, **kwargs)
[docs] def next(self, increment: int = 1) -> None: """Increments call_iter of all module Envoys. Useful when doing iterative/generative runs. Args: increment (int): How many call_iter to increment at once. Defaults to 1. """, propagate=True)
##### BACKENDS ###############################
[docs] def local_backend_execute(self) -> Graph: protocols.ApplyModuleProtocol.set_module(self.graph, self.model._model) self.graph.reset() invoker_inputs = self._invoker_inputs # If ths graph has a Bridge, we need to check for Nodes in the input itself. if protocols.BridgeProtocol.has_bridge(self.graph): invoker_inputs = resolve_dependencies(invoker_inputs) self.graph.execute() self.model.interleave( self.model._execute, self.graph, *invoker_inputs, **self._kwargs, ) graph = self.graph graph.alive = False if not isinstance(graph, weakref.ProxyType): self.graph = weakref.proxy(graph) return graph
[docs] def edit_backend_execute(self) -> Graph: self.model._default_graph = self.graph
[docs] def remote_backend_get_model_key(self) -> str: self.model: "RemoteableMixin" return self.model.to_model_key()
[docs] def remote_backend_postprocess_result(self, local_result: Graph) -> Dict[str, Any]: from ..schema.Response import ResultModel return ResultModel.from_graph(local_result)
[docs] def remote_backend_handle_result_value(self, value: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # TODO : graph mismatch handle. hash json ? for node_name, node_value in value.items(): self.graph.nodes[node_name]._value = node_value
def remote_backend_cleanup(self): graph = self.graph graph.alive = False if not isinstance(graph, weakref.ProxyType): self.graph = weakref.proxy(graph) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} at {hex(id(self))}>"